Saturday, January 27, 2007

Supporting A Friend.

Supporting a friend is very necessary (and very important) especially if things aren't faring too well in his or her life at a particular moment. This is where the power and value in friendship is at it's all-time high. All I can do is provide that lifeline, that support, that added boost of encouragement - to give him/her comfort when times of doubt start to happen all of a sudden. And that's only what a friend like me can do. It's up for the one affected to pick himself/herself back up and stand strong. I can only be the light - the flame of hope - that can stand prevalent by his/her side through the darkest times. And I know in the end, the light peers through over the darkness ... As I'm writing this, a good friend of mine (whom I known in Virginia Beach for many years now) is going through some ups and downs - but I know in the end, that person will do fine and will be okay.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Implementing necessary changes...

A new year is already in fruition and I need to get things going on the right track. 2006 turned out to be a decent year, but I feel that there is much work to improve on almost every facet in my active lifestyle as an individual. And it all starts with me on how I handle my everyday duties, take in account of my responsibilities, and make sure that my short-term and long-term goals are fulfilled. For the last few years, I have ignored myself and have shifted instead on helping others when the timing was right. 2007 would be that year in which it is time for me to step up my "game" in life ... The "game" mode would revolve around on how I handle the complexities in everyday life and to contain those elements in my own comfort zone, presenting myself to the world on my own terms and to keep things on the positive front to anyone I would interact with, continuing forth in maintaining my health by eating sensibly and working out, treating myself out to current men's fashion (coming up with a more contemporary look in appearance) and getting a full head of hair (moving away of the "bald" look of yesteryear, getting a secure, full-time career (and maybe another job, too, for added income), being more religious and spiritual, make myself available in my schedule/plans when it comes to dating (if ever it happens), and most importantly - continue loving my family and myself as I must appreciate each day to it's finest ... As much as I am already building on my plans, I wish that my closest friends would do the same in their own regard, their own accord. I love them a lot and I can only hope for the best when it comes to their own goals and such. They will need to break the barrier from the norm and make things happen. And it's only them that can fulfill their own pursuit of happiness. If they won't be able to make an effort to seek changes for the betterment in their lives, I guess I might have to go about it alone with mine's (and prove that I can do things by action) and not just saying words (in which I have to totally admit that I have always done thus leading to some occassional failures and setbacks)... So what could happen if I implement these changes now? I can then set forth the foundation securing my chances of buying a home, finding the lady of my dreams, starting my own family, and setting a college fund for my kids. I guess I'm looking further and further beyond. It's amazing how I can be inspired about life and seeking to change.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The loving heart.

There are times for the loving heart ... A time in which it is broken and fragile ... A time when there is a moment of healing ... A time in which it is being mended ... and finally, a time in which it feels renewed and refined to it's finest.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Best Friend

A best friend is someone who solidly supports you through your moments in life, even through difficult circumstances and situations. He/she has to be a motivator, an inspiration, and a beacon of light in your life. A best friend would enjoy your company & presence without limits and with welcome - and would give you that thought to appreciate life even more (than what you can imagine). A best friend has to be THE REAL DEAL, most certainly, within the confines of himself/herself. Through all the people you meet in life, the best friend is what stands above all of them and can be easily noticed (through your eyes) amongst the crowd. A best friend makes you feel like a winner, and most importantly, he/she will never leave you in the blue.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Finding peace in the woods ...

If you live somewhere around the city, there will always be the noises, the distractions, the added stress coming from the people you face and so forth – good enough to give you that big headache for a day. As these become prevalent day-in and day-out, we all come to wonder about an outlet or a place of isolation and remoteness that can let us put these factors aside for the meantime. It’s like we need that escape to a world where we can free ourselves from the daily torment we constantly go against … I look up to the woods as my place of solitude. I feel so much at peace with myself. I can focus deeply on the issues I face without having to be frequently interrupted. Also, the woods help me find more of my identity within and breaking away from most of the ever-changing society’s influences. I can see my reflection so clearly while looking at the lake. I sense the feel of nature’s loving embrace from the mighty wind and breeze that blow amongst the leaves. Taking a moment to be here relieves me from my everyday worries and everyday problems. As if I can regain a renewed sense of optimism, focus, and drive to succeed in my daily goals. I can really feel that … Perhaps writer Henry David Thoreau’s idea of living life in the woods can get us more in touch with nature itself as well as discovering more about ourselves and our purpose/direction in life, too.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Giving "Love"

The most easiest part is giving your whole heart to someone you can love. The most difficult circumstance of it all is assuming if that person feels the same way you do - and - if they'll last through the test of time with you, through the thick of thin with you. The uncertainty to it all lies in the end. You can win OR you can lose. Love can be gained, but it can also be lost greatly in an instant (especially all you've given just for that person to love you). Then, that's when reality sets in: if there was really love or not.



Just like leasing an apartment, a vehicle, a computer, or even furniture .... this also can be said about our experiences in life.

Whatever things attract us at this moment through our mouths, eyes, and ears won't even matter in a year or two from now. It'll eventually fade away into obscurity and will be history as we know it. Even the people who we share our company with whether they would be friends, coworkers or a even a sweetheart who you think might be the right one for you. They may be gone, as well, with only a few remaining. Sadly, it seems like we're all living a lease out of everything and everyone in life that we face through the etch of time (as they are supposed to make us merry and oh-so-happy at that exact moment - and its only temporary). Many of these are not to last forever as we are still charting the destiny for the happiness we really wish to seek in our lifetime.

Despite whatever obstacles come that might make us feel like we're losing, let's not hold out hope. I want you to be happy and blessed. Take note that while you're still living, you've got to do your very best within to capture the happiness you yearn for. It has to work from you alone. And you've got that spirit!

While people, trends, and things come and go, your happiness is always there for you for all time. This lease IS forever :)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Thanks, Dr. King :)

Thanks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for being the light and inspiration to several generations today, including myself. Your words have left an indelible mark in all of us and had it not been for you and your wife's efforts (along with the others you have worked with) fighting desegregation, we probably wouldn't have a society today that is intermixed with various cultures and backgrounds. You will forever be a part of our important history and will be always loved and admired by many more people in the years to come ... I look at everywhere around me and all I can do is smile ... seeing that everyone is together AND united, the feeling itself is awesome. I love you, Dr. King ... Thanks for leaving such a great legacy. We will always learn from what you've sacrificed and worked hard for.