Friday, January 19, 2007

Best Friend

A best friend is someone who solidly supports you through your moments in life, even through difficult circumstances and situations. He/she has to be a motivator, an inspiration, and a beacon of light in your life. A best friend would enjoy your company & presence without limits and with welcome - and would give you that thought to appreciate life even more (than what you can imagine). A best friend has to be THE REAL DEAL, most certainly, within the confines of himself/herself. Through all the people you meet in life, the best friend is what stands above all of them and can be easily noticed (through your eyes) amongst the crowd. A best friend makes you feel like a winner, and most importantly, he/she will never leave you in the blue.


Emmie said...

what a nice thought... such good words... this is really inspiring.... i like the way u adore true friendship...well u can drop by My Friendship Blog sometimes and have a glimpse of something u may find interesting...!!!

Jonnyroobs said...

Thanks, Emmie for the comment. I will certainly check your friendship blog page out from time-to-time. It's really impressive and inspiring especially when it focuses on the great things of friendships. And I truly thank you for the comment you've posted.