Thursday, July 15, 2010

Microwave Society

We live in a microwave society today where we all want and demand things now in just about any area in life (i.e. personal, professional, recreational, etc.) ... seems that we're all wearing thin in our patience and instead hasten quickly in an instant on anything really ... agree?

I admit I was once like that, but as I grew older and wiser, I've decided to step back frm what most of the world is going thru now w/ their demands and such..however, its only a step back in my approach. I'm usually patient in dealing with things but I must still demand for things if it's not meant at a given so-so time (thats a couple of minutes delay, that is) or during crucial instances...normally, I'm just more laid back in handling my matters usually listening more than jumping in so quickly. You can say I'm like a gentle Rocky Balboa listening to Adrian or Mickey in the movies. lol.

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