Sunday, July 08, 2007

CLASSIC MYSPACE BLOG: "Facing life's challenges & situations all over again...."

Saturday, Dec 9, 2006 - MYSPACE BLOG

If I had to do life's challenges and situations all over again, it'd be better this time around than previous. I am more wiser and stronger than I ever was in dealing with these. Through time, we grow, we learn, and we think back on how things were, EVEN had they've been corrected. And that never stops until our life as we know it - is over. While we're living, it's never too late to better ourselves of these challenges & situations that were hard or difficult before at one point in our lives. At the same time when a cloud of doubt comes along the way, shine on and do what you must to ensure the trust and love to the individuals who were there with you during those crucial times (as well as those who are no longer around because of the consequences that happened). Loving them unconditionally shall always remain prevalent, no matter what the outcome. That, I learned and will continue to do so :)

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