Friday, August 24, 2012

It's been a while since I've listened to the Def Leppard's greatest hits CD titled 'Vault.' To this very day, the quality of this band's hard-rocking, technological sounds of vocals/instruments never seem to age through the test of time. It still rocks just like it did back in the heydays of the 80s when they were very prominent among the metal/hair bands that were in existence ... My young brother, Jeff was given a chance to see them perform in Virginia Beach, VA recently. And from how he describes the concert, it seems that nothing is slowing them down and that they continue to show what they're made of recapturing the magic with loyal followers as well as winning a legion of new-generation fans......This 'Vault' CD rocks and I will continue jamming to it on the stereo deck as it's past 2AM now on the wee hours of early Friday morning.

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