Friday, July 29, 2011

My review on the first episode of the 2011 THUNDERCATS animated series


It was what I expected. Gone are the usual cliches and cheesiness that defined the Thundercats cartoons for generations - from little kids to grownup manchilds or fanboys, in particular at the Comic-con. This is a serious retelling of the mythos with a deeper plot and emotional storytelling. The battle between good and evil couldn't have been told any better other than what was seen in tonight's world premiere episode of the 2011 Thundercats series. The animation is superb having the manga-inspired style AND wow, it looks stunning on my LED TV. I am happy to know that Lion's father King Claudus was voiced none other than the original Lion-O himself, Larry Kenney, an iconic voice character legend like Peter Cullen is to the '84 Optimus Prime in the Transformers Generation 1 cartoons. Expect this series to be not like your father's or big brother's Thundercats. It won't have any brighter colors or the humor. This is gonna be one heck of a journey as these Thundercats go through a dark time at first and then emerge victorious over their enemies. However, despite some of the differences it has from the original cartoon, the spirit and the 'feel' still remains intact. I am looking forward to more Thundercats episodes coming up and you bet, I'll be sure to get them on the DVR. I LIKE THIS!!!! Looks like the little kid in me is up for cartoons again as if it was 1984 all over again.

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