Wednesday, April 07, 2010

One Thing Leads To Another During The Good & Bad Parts in Life

My life in Illinois has become more stressful than what I've thought earlier (before the move there). I anticipated on exciting things to happen, but instead it's the bad elements that seem to be dominant thus far. Could all this signal or foreshadow something new, something great to come? I believe that life's rhythms flow with the good and the bad - and how one can cope in solving the bad bringing about the goodness again. Sometimes I also think that one good or bad event can also lead to another and so forth. I never thought I'd ever end up in the surrounding areas of Chicago, but I'm here for a reason (for now). I do remember that I left for Orlando, Florida a few years back because I wanted to start my life again after a few setbacks. And I didn't even know that I'd be led back to Virginia for most of 2009. Kinda crazy, huh. Seems like I'm an adventurer going from place to place living the life as my friend Jimmy said to me in a phone call a couple days ago. Thanks to the Lord for making me strong in spite of whatever situation and circumstance I face. I know He'll provide and make things better again in my life. If it's in His will to make the change, I'll go forth with it...One thing leads to another during the good & bad parts in life.

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