Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Where have all our values gone on television?

I occasionally watch classic TV sitcoms, dramas and cartoons from the 1970s, 1980s and (some of) the 1990s - and we (the viewers) always got the 'ending' right. There is always something to learn from through the characters in an episode. We learned how to respect and love one another. We learned to right a wrong. We learned that family values and morals were highly important ... Fast forward to TV now. Just about everything seen is considered 'trash' by my standards. It's sad. The same goes with the music, too. No meaning in that either. I don't see anything that a kid can learn from in this day and age. Seems that my generation type (Generation X) doesn't incorporate any of what was learned long ago when we were kids in our heydays ... Being it that we're in a microwave society, it seems that we can never look back to the fundamentals and basics that held our country strong from generation to generation. We need to take a step slowly rather than go fast or else the next set of generations will start going array on us as we become older and older. Just imagine how worse we can get. Sad, sad, sad. We have to set the standards of what television was years ago and teach the next generations what's important rather than nonsense, crude humor that overfills the TV tube daily.

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