Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Let's take a close look at what's happening around us right now, as seen in different perspectives and areas. And it's not getting any better ...

Stock investments/ mutual funds in peril due to the inconsistent performance at the stock market ... Massive company layoffs and cutbacks ... Sudden corporate takeovers and mergers/buyouts ... Quarterly profits & losses ultimately deciding the fate of a business ... Companies interested in big bucks than retaining loyal, longtime workers ... Job outsourcing by companies (for lower job labor costs) ... Grocery prices increasing ... Soaring gas prices at the gas pumps ... Divorce rates climbing high ... Parents working more hours as they spend less time for their children ... Children becoming more obese and isolated relying on video games and the computer as their main activity (and spending less interactive family time) ... Teens are now more sexually active than ever before ... Pornography is a booming business on the internet ... Sex and violence are shown more often on the TV tube ... More seniors still work to get more money than retire, in order to survive ... Homes for residents are lost to foreclosures ... Our young generation continuing to die in a war that has yet no solution and no reason (as the head terrorist mastermind still looms at large) ... Greedy overpaid/ overhyped athletes that don't produce their stats (as sports becomes now more of a business than tradition) ... Celebrities 'on-the-edge', conceited and crazy wasting their life away... Working middle class suffering a whole lot more as the rich becomes more richer ... Earth is in big danger by man's actions as global warming is more evident than ever ...

From what I've mentioned, it's really getting worse and it seems likely that this trend will continue furthermore - with no end in sight. We're becoming our own victims falling prey to the factors mentioned. If I could decipher what's going on with everything, I came up with this:

MAN is motivated by POWER and GREED

In this present society we now live in, it seems that we're starting to lose ourselves and the simple pleasures/ fundamentals of life that our generations before had once embraced to keep going forward with their lives.

We must not lose hope. We must rely on our faith and God through all of this. We know He gives comfort especially in times of doubts and struggle. In our lives, He can give us only what we can really handle - and I'm a firm believer in that. God is the balance to our lives and that He will always be there for the long run despite all of the changes happening. Just keeping hanging on, everyone - and don't lose yourselves to the world.

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