Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A lesson about men's fashion in GQ...

My car was being serviced for an 80,000 mile maintenance at Tuffy auto service center. There I was sitting in the waiting room. TV was on. News was the usual: filled with bad and outrageous elements (in other words, 'crap,' basically). Hardly any good news, except hearing the fact that the Pope Benedict XVI has arrived for his first visit to the U.S. So that was cool ... Then I saw stacks of GQ magazines on the table. I grabbed one with Eric Bana on the cover. I turned each page and saw some interesting stuff, particularly men's fashion - some of which are way too tacky and some are pretty impressive. Then there are the really crazy articles. However, there was something that caught my eye. No, it's not some guys hot bods, because it's not. lol. Wrong, silly! It's about the clothes that make the man. But it's gotta be fitted right. I feel like I need a makeover in a way because most of my clothes (which were once ok for my big size before) have now made me look like I'm a kid sporting on my dad's gear. So instead of being an L or even an M, I have to make the switch to (perhaps...) an S. That's right! Size S - mostly for the buttoned shirts. The same for the pants as they need to be fitted on the waist and properly hemmed. I'll have to start saving up and redefining my look and appearance yet again to another level ... Back to GQ. It showed candidates with their before and after shots. I know if they can look as good with going a size smaller, so can I. I'm looking forward to get the trend going for myself.

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