Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is music a waste these days - and what's up with that?

Seems like almost every day, every week and every month - a new song comes out from an artist. Then another. And another. It's a continuous process that's never ending. Ever come to listen to the music you downloaded a year or two ago? Is it still in your mind? Maybe. Maybe not. Some people seemed to have given up on their artist after a few years. They would pawn a couple of CDs to a used-music store and reek in a few bucks for gas or a meal. So, in a way, music is like soda - it's wasted. First we seem to thirst for it so bad that we like to play the jams in our cars, laptops, cell phones, and MP3 players. Then it just -- fades away. And you would probably wind up being the only one still listening to it ... What I can encourage the music lovers today to do is just to download all your music collection to a hard-drive device. Make a playlist and decide which songs should appear there. You have the option to drag in and drag out the ones you like and don't like. Sometimes it's also good to mix in the old and the new. That way, it may kick in a little bit of some ol' school / new school flavor at your workplace or at an event with your friends ... Regarding CDs, you may have to limit a bit on that. Did you know that most artists today only release like 1 or 2 songs - and that's it? Seems like they are ripping us off, huh. Go for digital downloads such as iTunes, Napster, or any media downloading software made available on the web. You have the power to choose wisefully than lose a few dollars more on CD material that will seem to be on the brink of extinction ... And what's up with that? The songs today - well - they're a bit more on the wild side than my younger days. Imagine a young kid singing some 'booty slappin' rap beat or a 'I hate you' rock song in a classroom. it is possible these days and it seems we are failing in society to teach 'em what is appropriate and what is not. The media portal is as bigger as ever and that any one (even a kid) can fall prey to it. So I got to encourage the parents out there to step up in showing kids what's right .... Wow, some blog, huh. And I don't mind freeflowing more here in Panera Bread during my day off. It all just comes - from my brain and if I got something - it'll show up right here on JONNYROOBS CENTRAL.

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