Sunday, July 22, 2012


And so it is indeed the end of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy as we know it. The story of billionaire Bruce Wayne and his caped-crusader alter-ego was brilliantly told in such a realistic way and approach never done before in the modern Batman movies (from the years 1989 to 1997. It's gritty, violent and psychological - none of that campy, circus, colorful nonsense. Each Nolan-directed Batman movie has a certain theme and tone applied and he did it so well in terms of execution to what is seen on screen through the subtlety as well as the noise, the deeper story/plot and its roots involving the characters, and lastly the technological elements which fittingly goes well with Batman's use of gadgets and vehicles. Christian Bale is believable as Bruce Wayne from beginning to end in this arc. Though the raspy voice may be somewhat 'off' to some, it's awesomely perfect especially being that of the Batman. The rest of the supporting cast are superb with their respective roles in this latest installment, especially Anne Hathaway as the sexy Selina Kyle. And as for Nolan's version of Bane, whoa, that dude should rank next to Darth Vader for best villain ever on cinema.

Now as for the ending, it was justified, appropriate and done right told well in the Nolan fashion. Many of us probably didn't expected it to go that route as we yearned for a different ending - but I am most certainly OK with this one giving my seal of approval. While it brings closure, it also gives way for a new beginning signaling a new promise of hope for Gotham and its citizens. In all of the Batman movies from years past, there never was a fitting ending - more like, incomplete really.

I can still envision Bale's Batman saying 'SWEAR TO ME!' That rocks.

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