Saturday, March 31, 2012

Guest Blogs (regarding Trayvon Martin)

(Disclaimer note: I did not write these pieces posted below. It actually comes from friends one that happens to live in Florida and another, in Virginia. The contents are uncensored in its pure raw form and remains 'as is' for everyone to read. It's one's take on the matter from different sides and how they feel regarding the controversial Trayvon Martin case which is dominating headlines as of late.)

So.....can somebody explain to me how a person can consciously put himself in a compromising situation...provoke an un-needed altercation...disobey direct orders from the police department...shoot AND kill somebody elses child who just happens to have a dangerous can of iced tea and a lethal bag of skittles... and at the end of the night get to just go home and SLEEP IT OFF???...FOR DAYS!!??? First off..If somebody is following me...and continues to follow me after i ask "WHY THE FUCK ARE U FOLLOWING ME?"..We have a problem..and will result in me bout to knock yo ass out so u would stop following me(as im sure Trayvon had the same idea)

They said there was a cry for which it could have either been the man yelling for help as he found out the hard way what following a black kid at night for no reason at all will get ass whoopin...but in retrospect..Trayvon was just fighting for his life..

It also could have been Trayvon yelling for help...and I honestly hope it wasn't him yelling for help...becuz its heart-wrenching to think about a child screaming for help in that situation.. it's enough to make u drop tears..

The puzzling thing about that this guy wasn't even arrested..tested for drugs or alcohol...and not even thought of as being the immediate threat as HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD A DAMN FIREARM!!! The dude is a self-appointed neighborhood watch WITH A GUN...meaning...Nobody told his ass was in charge of patrolling the neighborhood...and most of all...What Neighborhood Watch carries firearms around??? Aint they just supposed to "Watch" and "Snitch"?? smh Praying for Trayvon and his family...praying this is justified..

- D.C., Orlando, FL

There are more facts coming out that are pointing out that Trayvon wasn't as innocent as claimed... nor how can a 6'2" 17 year be a 10 year kid. This picture is doctored to make him look innocent, much younger then he actually looks. Sorry but I will wait for all the facts because a latino man, no man should be wrongfully accused of racism or murder when evidence may be proving his innocence. They mobs that rally are supporting the illegal manhunt by the Black Panther party. There is no warrant out for Zimmerman and to place a $10K bounty on him is illegal. That is a call for a hitman and I do not hear black folk calling for the racist group of the Black Panthers to back off. How can you claim justice if you will not serve justice. The media has been lying as they claimed it was a racist white man when all along Zimmerman is latino with black family members. So, again I will let the special investigator gather their facts and determine what when on. But so far eye witnesses are claiming 6'2" Treyvon was beating to death Zimmerman who's voice you hear on the 911 tapes screaming for his life, not Treyvon as first claimed and had no choice but to shoot Trayvon to stop the beating and attack. I hope true justice is served by bringing out the truth of the situation wether or not if Zimmerman is innocent or guilty but so far he is innocent until proven guilty. Don't be fooled as so many are without weighing all the facts...Trayvon was witness in beating to death Zimmerman. Zimmerman is 6' 2", he is not small. He was more athletic and taller then Zimmerman. Trayvon should have not ran. He should have not been out so late at night. What good was a 17 year old doing being out late at night past midnight. I know as a 17 year old I was up to no good. All my Filipino, Black and White friends at age 17 being out past midnight were up to no good. There is more about this teen that is not being told. If someone was beating you to death and you could not physically stop it, you would use your gun to gain control. So please will every man stop perpitrating. There are over 100 black folk who died since Trayvon and not one word. Let the special investigator do his job and inform us if Zimmerman's story matches up. So far, the neighborhood is testifying for Zimmerman saying Trayvon was beating him to death. I heard one of the eyewitnesses today tell his side and his story does not match Trayvon's innocent appeal. Just saying what I have learned not what the liberal media is telling me... Please people get your facts straight.

- E.B., Northern VA

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