Friday, January 20, 2012


If anyone who owns a Lenovo Thinkpad T60 (or equivalent) is undergoing a 'black-screen-of-death' situation (with the batt/ electric/ system indicators still lit) and nothing's happening, go for the reset. To achieve this reset, we must go forth with 10 intervals (like if it's 10 laps around the track for an athlete) of holding the push button consecutively for 10 seconds. But it doesn't end there. There is the LAST attempt (known as the 11th try) after the 10 intervals. For this latest IMPORTANT stage, hold the push button for 30-seconds. Then plug in your Lenovo Thinkpad T60(or equivalent) AC adapter to the wall outlet, or power strip, what have you, etc. And see it come to life!!!!

I'm glad it did for this company laptop :) Someone is smiling.

For some skeptics, it may sound like urban legend or something made up, but I saw and I witnessed. It works! I must provide a disclaimer for this blog though. It will only work for this scenario as seen on YouTube: ... Results may vary and that there may be/ are different solutions for any other descrepancies with the Lenovo Thinkpad T60.

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