Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I can't say for sure if being a Filipino-American can be either considered a curse or a blessing. When it all comes down to it, one has to equally bridge and embrace both cultures/customs from the Philippine and American perspectives. It can be a tough act to follow at first for someone because it's like being introduced to a crash course called 'culture 101' and that he/she are already accustomed and acclimated to the culture they were raised on from the beginning of their lives. For me, I'm still a work-in-progress at 37 years old. I have grasped the Philippines' history as well as the culture during my college years, but my biggest weakness is the language barrier. I just haven't had enough time to grasp it. Realizing this flaw I have, it brings forth the consequences of me being as dumbfounded as I can be, as well as being the pun of jokes from those that are true natives to the islands. No matter what puts me down or keeps me up, I have to stay true to the pride that is Filipino-American and humbly accept for what I have become ... No matter what circumstances and challenges I face daily (in peeling the layers of my Filipino side), I will always respect the Philippine culture for what it is as well as the Filipino people that I will come face-to-face with now and the upcoming times ahead.

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