Friday, August 26, 2011

Okay, so LiLo (known to the world as the once-great-talented-actress now turned major-tabloid-mess) is suing Pitbull over his lyric from the hit 'Give Me Everything' that references her being as 'locked up.' I must admit it wasn't right for Pitbull to address her 'by name' in the track, BUT LiLo must NOW wake up and face the music ONCE-AND-FOR-ALL if she considers never to be mocked at, joked at, or be treated in a negative light again. She has to prove to the world she can change and be that better person, maybe get back into the acting gigs again. It's because of her previous actions off-screen (many of which have been deemed overly outrageous and crazy) that's been getting more of the spotlight than the acting career she once was blessed to have. You know, none of this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for her partying, drugging, and drinking ways. If I was to place the blame on any one, it'd be on her parents Michael and Dina. It seems they have done little to get her back on track and the fact, they are no longer together ... Pitbull should've known (when he was recording this track) that this was gonna get to him one day, especially from one LiLo (hmm, maybe he should've just mentioned the name Lindsay, but not her last name -- he would've been off-the-hook on that one). I'd feel the same way like her if my whole name ever pops up as a bad reference in some rapper's song. Then again, any rapper would throw in bad rhymes to any one or anything. Take Eminem for example, who dissed just about anybody even those who didn't even picked on him. Or Kanye, Jay-Z, 50 Cent throwing down beat rhymes having beef against their enemies ... Really, there are no winners or losers when it comes down to Lilo vs Pitbull. Each should learn from their own consequences. Both should assume their responsibilities as grown-ups in this forgiving society, as well as accepting accountability. I can only hope for the best for these two and letting them move on respectively in their careers (perhaps never crossing each other again). Let 'Mr. International' stay 'Mr. International' and let LiLo be dedicated to her acting career again and that means no fooling around. That's how it should be done.

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