Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Keep Yourself & Others Cautioned During Summer Fun

The warm heat has ushered its way through most of America. That means we have to be aware of the risk factors involved around us as they can do more harm than good.

Definitely pass on the info from yourself to others with the following:

Lather sunscreen at all times because the sun rays themselves are a huge risk to our skin that could yield cancerous results.

Keep yourselves hydrated with fluids if you or anyone plan to spend the long day in the heat. Not doing so can cause fainting thus yielding a major heat stroke in your body.

Spray insect repellant to open areas of your body where insects have the strong possibility of causing bites at. We don't want mosquitoes nowhere around us, or any insects for that matter. As explained years before, there are mosquitoes than can pass flu-like symptoms carrying a potential life-threatining virus.

And lastly, watch the kids at the pool or at the beach. It's the fun time in summer and we'd all like to prevent a tragedy like this from occurring. Drowning can claim anyone at anytime, especially on the little ones. It's recommended to have a lifeguard on duty or someone that is capable of first-aid and rescue. Having them around is an assured sign that safety is present on-site.

So here we are as it's summer 2011. Have fun and do everything possible to make yourself and others enjoy the season to the fullest!

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