Monday, March 28, 2011

Caught In a Facebook-related mess

Here I am posting things that spark my interest on Facebook. Next thing I know, a dude who I happened to know for a long time suddenly says to me that I'm becoming very repetitive with my profile's contents whether they are video blogs, jam-of-the-day music videos, or anything, for that matter. And oh yeah, he also criticized me for tagging some rising actor with just 3-4 pictures. And he's making it sound like I committed a huge sin! SO --- what he's technically saying to me is STOP IT. I know, I know. But you know what? I'll keep on what I'm doing. Doesn't matter what he or any of those so-called friends would think. If he can freely post where he's located every-hour-on-the-hour, his food pictures that got the-succulent-and-tasty-feel, or anything of the intellect, I must also be given the same privileges like anyone on Facebook should do. Because facebooking truly defines power to THE individual. Period. I don't care about what my stats can do to people. If they're tired of the materials I post or if it's sparks some spammage (if any), better for them to UNFRIEND me ... Just 2 weeks ago, I posted a note in which I expressed my views on the dude's remarks. I said it well and I don't have to copy or paste it here. It's meant to be read to my friends (and even the critics) in Facebookland and I'll leave it at that. Thanks to my supportive base out there. I really appreciated the love!

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