Saturday, August 08, 2009

Accepting being old

I've got one more month until I turn 35 years old. But it seems that my age now has gotten the best of me. My youthfulness has been gone a few years back. I still managed to keep looking young. But not this time around. I'm starting to appear what I really should be. I look at the mirror very closely and I see a few lines to the corners of my eye, yet I still don't have lines on my forehead. I do have a few black spots, especially near my eyelids, that is appearing on my face and its a sight I really don't like. And yes, when it comes to the most visible sign of aging, it DEFINITELY shows with either the thinning/receding hairline OR how about this one: flecks of white hair. That's what I have right now and I'm about to look like the filipino version of Brett Favre if I plan on growing out the stubbles on my goatee and beard. I hope that I'll become more wiser beyond my years before my looks will pretty much be evident with my age .... I can say, I'm gonna be a good looking old man, for sure! I accept being old. It's finally time to embrace aging with open arms.

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