Monday, August 20, 2007


"Love." Such a wonderful word, isn't it? Makes us feel good. Makes us feel great. Makes us feel like we're on 'cloud nine.' "Love" shouldn't just be applied in the relationship we have with our partner for life - but to those around us as well: families and friends. And it all comes down to this. If none of these people (including your significant other) show you the "love," then it's well said like an exclamation point that they've never loved you to begin with or not loved you at all. Best thing to do really in that scenario is just to rid them out of your life and start anew. There are always people somewhere around us who are yearning for that same genuine "love" we seek to find. When it comes to loving a person, one must love and accept you for who you are as this person that stands before them. "Love" will undoubtedly reveal the real people around us to truly call friends, family, and even that one amazing person you intend to share your life with. Then, you will easily distinguish the fake ones from the real individuals that really love and trust you. "Love"... is everywhere!

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