Tuesday, August 14, 2007

God reveals a great supportive cast of people through time ...

It's happening right now as we speak. God's working 24/7 on everyone living today. And part of His amazing plan is bringing forth a great supportive cast of wonderful people in our lives whether they would be family members, long lost friends, school buddies, or even a significant other from the past. Throughout the test of time, each one will be revealed to us one-by-one sometimes slowly but surely. He knows who'll stick around for the long run. Most people we've gotten to know in our lifetime may come and go eventually as the continuity of time remains, but He knows which ones will stay around and have that profound effect in us for the duration of our lives. That also includes right to the very end because things can go on a different page in God's plan, too for all of us. Whether there should be a time where we all would meet our end so suddenly or if that same situation may also apply to someone that we held so dear for all time, the magic will live on - in body and in spirit. A supportive cast keeps us motivated and confident, makes us feel alive and strong from whatever challenges may come, and giving us the unconditional love and care that is needed to keep our day going. Having a supportive cast is one of the many blessings that He has given us. And I feel so eternally grateful to have my own set of good people in my corner :-)

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