Monday, July 09, 2007

Time reveals all.

As time passes by, it reveals all - what we want to see and what we don't want to see. It'll perhaps change everything regarding our surroundings - from the people and the things we really wish we could have in our lives, but we can't (even how we try to change everything). There'll be people that'll just come and go in our lives. There'll be unforseen events that'll test our own strengths and witnesses. And we'll see unbounded truths be told through the fabrics of time in the most greatest of ways to even the most shocking and disturbing, including the people whom we once held so dear, sacrificed, loved and cared for with our unconditional hearts in the first place. Time later holds the key to the realness of who they really are - unraveling them in the most realistic way possible stripping all the facades and illusions that we were once introduced to. It goes either way: they are real as they say they are or they are not real all along. For me, I've seen worse than the better and that there are only a few that I now put in my closest circle of faithfuls. Asides from that, time can also change a person deep down inside - and it had that major profound effect in me, thanks in large part to the revelations time brings. Through every wave of good and bad revelations that time brought to me, it helped me found the peace and self-respect that I've been wanting for in so long. From the moment I was sad and depressed because of some unexpected twists and turns by the people I've once cared for, I knew there was hope coming right along. Time healed me from my emotional scars and wounds - and that I'm back renewed and feeling better in an instant! And that's the interesting thing about time - it heals, too! When the bad is on it's way out, the good part comes back with a vengeance. Time cannot be considered a friend or an enemy. Rather, it's just a partner in your life that does it's job and whatever it brings, it'll take us to many different avenues. Perhaps most of what time offers will be good, but it can also unleash its fury, dangers, and unexpected twists and surprises in an instance whether it's to our liking or not. Feels like I'm more ready to face the wave of things to come and brave out what is to come in my ongoing journey in life. Be prepared as well.

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