Friday, June 15, 2007


Just like leasing an apartment, a vehicle, a computer, or even furniture .... this also can be said about our experiences in life.

Whatever things attract us at this moment through our mouths, eyes, and ears won't even matter in a year or two from now. It'll eventually fade away into obscurity and will be history as we know it. Even the people who we share our company with whether they would be friends, coworkers or a even a sweetheart who you think might be the right one for you. They may be gone, as well, with only a few remaining. Sadly, it seems like we're all living a lease out of everything and everyone in life that we face through the etch of time (as they are supposed to make us merry and oh-so-happy at that exact moment - and its only temporary). Many of these are not to last forever as we are still charting the destiny for the happiness we really wish to seek in our lifetime.

Despite whatever obstacles come that might make us feel like we're losing, let's not hold out hope. I want you to be happy and blessed. Take note that while you're still living, you've got to do your very best within to capture the happiness you yearn for. It has to work from you alone. And you've got that spirit!

While people, trends, and things come and go, your happiness is always there for you for all time. This lease is forever :)

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