Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Everything around us is 'expendable'

Everything around us is 'expendable.' It means disposable, consumable and unessential. What you 'see, touch, and use' applies to that ... The music CDs we buy that's so hot right now, the current technology we crave and yearn for in electronic products (ranging from TVs, computers, digital cameras, camcorders, MP3 players), the news that is hot off the press now at this very moment on TV, etc. Heck, even our sports world is filled with overhyped, overpaid athletes - and even a team's next saga after winning the championship ... Then there's this bad side to all of what was mentioned. It's all expendable. When it comes to the CDs we buy, where would we go to get rid of 'em? Pawn shops, flea markets, or even on Amazon or eBay to get some extra money. The same goes for the technology, too. Feeding off from the last one, we go for another product similar to the ones we own already - just a step higher and advanced. And the news. Where's the story on A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez of the NY Yankees) trying to get up with a blonde-haired stripper? That's old now as the sports media is currently focused on his success in baseball. Also, how long will this Paris Hilton jail-story go? Probably not long enough and we'd even totally forget she was even in jail. Then there's the athletes. When they succeed, there'll be those that'll be cut short because of their low-grade performance. It even sucks so bad to see how the sports world itself has become a lucrative business robbing sports tradition of years past. An example of this is the draft in which college athletes are being paid millions and they haven't yet even played a game in the professional league. Then in the middle, things don't get to go their way - and then they wind up in some other team with low pay and all that hype - ultimately - gone. For the team that won a championship, the press is not even interested in just the 'win' anymore. They look forward to next year and see how the team will fare then. As if the championship is only a lasting memory to those involved ... See how expendable things are in our lives? Take it on a personal level, folks - in your own perspective. Happens to me. Expendability happened in most of my life. I bought stuff a long time ago that no longer interests me these days and instead wasted my megabucks on. And then there are people that were once called friends at some point in time, as well as ex-girlfriends who once thought of me as the most important part of their lives (come to find out that I became expendable to them all once they got what they really wanted than me)... Seems that in this world, in this day and age, nobody is satisfied with anything or even anyone - instead lasting temporarily for a short period of time. Being expendable is a part of our lives whether we like it or not. I got to admit it doesn't make me any happy and that some of this does hurt so deep in me especially the people that made me like this in the first place. But what can I say. We just got to keep our head up and look for hope beyond this. And even our bad chapters can be expendable too as we move on.

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