Saturday, May 04, 2013

Mark Iowa as another state I traveled to. Thanks to a work-related assignment, I was given this opportunity to drive a crew and myself to different towns and cities there. In between were rural roads that went uphill and downhill because the land itself didn't appear all too flat. It's too bad that corn wasn't seen since it's still too early in the season for them to grow. I also wanted to visit Mason City and Clear Lake checking out the crash site (which claimed the lives of then-rock superstars Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. Richardson known as The Big Bopper) and the last building they performed in during the winter dance tour from 1959. Next time, maybe...Overall, Iowa was great especially the nice people there.

It's an awful week for me despite the good weather. I have had 3 nosebleed incidents so far here at home. And I can only assume that one of my blood vessels had burst. I haven't pinched my nose until the latest one. It actually helped ease the bloodflow and stopped no later than a couple seconds. I also put petroleum jelly to seal it. Hopefully that's the end. The last time I had nosebleeds were almost 10 years ago.